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The Musings of an Eccentric Diva

Welcome to the Musings of an Eccentric Diva. My motto is: Giving Hollyweird movies the finger one movie at a time. Enter at your own risk (insert evil Vincent Price laughter here).


I know by now everyone has heard about Britney’s shitastic performance on the even shittier VMA Awards show. Why any adult still watches this crapola is beyond me…anyhoo. I had to view the video to see what in the world could this chile do to top all the other fucked up shit she’s done recently. What I saw was not nearly as bad as everyone made it out to be. They also kept referring to this “gut” she has now. Well let me tell you, I’ll take that ‘gut” she has anyday. Her performance was no worse than anything the former Badussycat Doll Nicole Sheringeraramala-lama-ding-dong or any other of the flavors of the month put in. It wasn’t typical Britney but she’s been out the game for a while. Don’t get me wrong, I ain’t defending this Travesty In Motion, she needs to be at home with her damn kids but the chick can’t move without the press breathing down her neck. If she would've had a great performance, they would have still ridiculed her for something. I’ve always found her to be stiff and her voice to be annoying so this was no surprise to me.

Now this video here was an exception. I loved the song *runs and hides*. She looked her trantastic best (if it were not for her children I would still think she was born with a shenis) and she danced her ass off for a YT chick. Come back to mediocrity Shitney.

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